Tuesday, September 17, 2013

17 September 2013 - Kimmi Smiles - We Can't Stop & Best Song Ever

The discovery of this very fuzzed-up version of the modern Miley Cyrus classic started off life as a One Direction intention for my daughter, Isabella, who turns 9 later this week.  I was looking for covers that weren't just some whiny kid with an acoustic guitar in his or her bedroom.

And we found a nice fuzzed-up fun and different version.  But then we found this by the same artist.

Meet Kimmi Smiles, a 21 year old from Melbourne, Australia.  She's truly grown as a musician to the point where she actually has music for sale.  And stream her music 24/7/365 from her website.  This punked-up cover blew me away with its raw energy and remarkably twerk-free video.

In the interest of full disclosure, here is the One Direction cover that started all of this.  It's not as punky, but it is fuzzed up, and still pretty solid.   And if you check out her YouTube channel, you'll see she's still finding herself as an artist.  She seems to have found it in fuzz, but time will tell, and I, for one, am excited.

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